Getting rid of a mail folder with an invalid name

Tom Reijnders reijnders at
Fri Apr 29 14:12:21 CEST 2022


I'm am running kolab 16 on Ubuntu 18.04 and migrating from Kolab 2 to 
this install. I restored some mailboxes, and onae of the folders 
contains a character that Kolab 16 does not like at all. kolab lm 
crashes, and I need to use kolab lm --raw to list all mailboxes.

I tried to remove the mailbox with a wildcard, but taht does not work. 
Has anyone an idea of how to get rid of that mailbox? I traid to login 
to cyrus, using cyradm, but I can't figure out the correct username and 
and it asks for two different passwords (password and IMAP password) and 
I don't know the ciorrect combination. I would like to try to delet the 
mailbox using cyradm.




Tom Reijnders
TOR Informatica
Chopinlaan 27
5242HM Rosmalen
Tel: 073 5226191
Fax: 073 5226196

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