Is this project still active at all?

Thomas thomas at
Fri Jan 8 23:00:20 CET 2021


I'm sorry, I don't know exact version. I didn't note it.
I have just copy of log file from 17. 5. 2020, when I find out there is 
a problem and start searching for the root cause of the problem. So the 
update was in few days to few weeks before.
Based on last update action in yum history I have, which is from 
17.5.2020 it could be around these versions:

There is PHP-FPM error log snippet:
[17-May-2020 19:26:08 Europe/Prague] PHP Warning: stream_get_meta_data() 
expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in 
/usr/share/kolab-syncroton/lib/ext/Syncroton/Server.php on line 259
[17-May-2020 19:26:08 Europe/Prague] PHP Warning: DOMDocument::save(): 
Invalid Filename in 
/usr/share/kolab-syncroton/lib/ext/Syncroton/Server.php on line 263
[17-May-2020 19:26:08 Europe/Prague] PHP Warning:  rewind() expects 
parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in 
/usr/share/kolab-syncroton/lib/ext/Syncroton/Server.php on line 266
[17-May-2020 19:26:08 Europe/Prague] PHP Warning:  feof() expects 
parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in 
/usr/share/kolab-syncroton/lib/ext/Syncroton/Server.php on line 269
[17-May-2020 19:26:08 Europe/Prague] PHP Warning:  fread() expects 
parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in 
/usr/share/kolab-syncroton/lib/ext/Syncroton/Server.php on line 270

Last two lines repeats thousands times.
In average 6 - 9 thousand lines per second.
 From 19:26:08 until 22:35:33 there was 12817418 lines of log messages 
in PHP-FPM error log.

I think that after server restart there was first sync successful and 
then the problem appears. But I'm not sure now, it is few months ago. 
I'm not using ActiveSync since then. Started to use IMAP + CardDAV + 
CalDAV. But CardDAV was broken I think sometime like 3 months ago?
Didn't really found the cause.

I'm preparing new server now and will be migrating (another reason I'm 
still on PHP 5.4 :-///).

I wanted to create bug report but didn't able to get to it and report 
it. My bad. I know.

Not sure if this information about kolab-syncrotron will help someone. 

All the best.

On 1/5/21 10:12 AM, Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 09:45:02PM +0200, Thomas wrote:
>> Hi,
>> my experience. Installed few years ago and was happy with kolab. But as
>> years goes away, the community side is going away too.
>> - No support for CentOS 8 (after one year), no answers on mailing list.
>> - I have not been able to manage to switch to PHP 7 on CentOS 7, there are
>> missing dependencies in rpm repository.
>> - Few months ago there was introduced new bug in new version of
>> kolab-synchroton. I cannot downgrade because there are no pervious versions
>> in rpm repository. Still not new version with bug fix. Activesync not
>> usable. Had to switch all users to IMAP/CardDAV/CalDAV accounts.
> Out of interest.. which version of kolab-synchroton broke it for you?
> What are the problems/errors ?
> Thanks,
> -- Pasi

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