K9 Mail and not able to download Attachments

hede kolab983 at der-he.de
Sat Mar 21 23:48:10 CET 2020

Hi all, 

for anyone using guam and k9-mail on android: is anybody elsehit by the problem not to be able to download attachments via k9-mail on android? I'm watching this problem since some weeks, or months!?

Monday is my first official day on vacation, today I did my first patch to guam for this holidays. And now I can download attachments again. :-)

Please test my patched erlang-eimap and guam builds, especially if you're using K9 and guam and you are effected by the same problem.


(it's currently mostly untested - i finished work some minutes ago; I will test this for some days and then submit a request upstream)


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