Fwd: Outlook2016 Home&Business + Contacts

Aleksander Machniak machniak at kolabsys.com
Thu Sep 26 07:09:46 CEST 2019

On 9/25/19 10:23 PM, Ladislav Slanina wrote:

> I fight a bit with shared Contacts folder. I need for each kolab user one 
> share Contact directory and one personal Contact directory. At Web interface 
> it works correctly, but at Outlook2016 I can see only Contacts item. No 
> personal folder, no shared folder. I even cannot add any other folder at 

>From what I remember Outlook does not support multiple contact folders. So, user should
see all contacts from all folders merged into one place.

That's why this is a default:

$config['activesync_multifolder_blacklist_contact'] = array('windowsoutlook');

Aleksander Machniak
Senior Software Engineer
Kolab Systems AG: https://kolabsystems.com
PGP: 19359DC1

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