Issue with Caldav/Carddav on Kolab16

Fábio Sousa fabiojsousa at
Tue Jul 30 17:43:06 CEST 2019

I installed Kolab 16 on centOS 7 with the installation Guide from Kolab.

I've been trying to configure the carddav and caldav feature (iRony) but 
without success.

When I go directly in the browser: 
got this structure:

|Nodes addressbooks Collection July 30, 2019, 2:49 pm calendars 
Collection July 30, 2019, 2:49 pm files Collection principals Collection 
July 30, 2019, 2:49 pm |

And when I got the calendar and inside my user I have this:

|Nodes inbox Collection, Inbox July 30, 2019, 2:55 pm outbox Collection, 
Outbox July 30, 2019, 2:55 pm |

I can't see my calendar that I've created on my webmail.

And when I'mt trying to add my calendar to my emails clients I got this 
in my logs but I can't add the calendar:

|[root at kolab ~]# tailf /usr/share/iRony/logs/*.log [30-Jul-2019 
15:02:05,605878 +0100]: PROPFIND:/iRony/ [6/6] 0.0481 sec [30-Jul-2019 
15:02:15,557998 +0100]: PROPFIND:/iRony/ [8.7/8.8] 0.1652 sec 
[root at kolab ~]# tailf /etc/httpd/logs/*log - - 
[30/Jul/2019:15:02:05 +0000] "PROPFIND /iRony/ HTTP/1.1" 401 292 "-" 
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 
Thunderbird/60.8.0 Lightning/6.2.5" - fsousa 
[30/Jul/2019:15:02:15 +0000] "PROPFIND /iRony/ HTTP/1.1" 207 982 "-" 
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 
Thunderbird/60.8.0 Lightning/6.2.5" |

The link used when I'm trying to add a New Calendar 

Any idea what I'm missing?

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