Kolab content filter long time till messages get delivered

Benedikt Schäfer b.schaefer at flieden.org
Tue Jun 12 11:30:51 CEST 2018


if i enable in my postfix main.cf 'content_filter = 
smtp-amavis:[]:10024' it takes over 5 minutes till messages get 
delivered to the mailbox.
I am running Centos 7 and in maillog i get the following errors:

(!)ClamAV-clamd av-scanner FAILED: run_av error: ask_daemon_internal: 
Exceeded allowed time at (eval 133) line 657.\n
(31920-13) (!)WARN: all primary virus scanners failed, considering 

amavis seems running:

ps aux | grep -i clam
clamupd+  3370  0.0  0.0  74404  3228 ?        Ss   Jun09   0:16 
/usr/bin/freshclam -d -c 4
amavis    4159  0.0  1.8 729732 550144 ?       Ssl  Jun10   0:58 
/usr/sbin/clamd -c /etc/clamd.d/amavisd.conf
root     17604  0.0  0.0 112720   980 pts/0    S+   11:29   0:00 grep 
--color=auto -i clam

Any help?

best regards,


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