LDAP server unavailable: SERVER_DOWN

Jochen Hein jochen at jochen.org
Mon Jan 8 15:58:16 CET 2018

Marcel Bischoff <marcel at herrbischoff.com> writes:

> I have recently set up a Kolab 16 installation, following this guide: https://docs.kolab.org/installation-guide/ubuntu-16.04.html
> Initially everything worked alright until users started connecting
> continually. Now, from time to time, without immediate apparent
> reason, the LDAP service becomes unreachable (according to the log
> messages). This can only be solved by manually restarting the service
> with "systemctl restart dirsrv at mx.service". Even restarting the server
> does nothing to recitify this, although the service is started at that
> time.

Can you have a look at the dirsrv logs (access&error)?


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