Unable to undelete emails from roundcubemail

Lance Charette lcharette at slingshottech.net
Wed Sep 20 12:49:02 CEST 2017

On 9/20/2017 1:51 AM, Timotheus Pokorra wrote:
> Hello Homer,
>> The issue is that they want to un-delete these emails and I have read
>> that there is suppose to be a way to do this within roundcubemail by
>> right clicking on the folder and selecting 'un-delete' however this
>> option does not exist in either of two different Kolab 3.4
>> installations.  (I will add that I have done recent (withing last 2
>> weeks) updates of both services for the Kolab environment.
> I have looked at https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/issues/1635
> and was able to recover a deleted email like this in Kolab 3.4:
> Just click into the space, where there is usually the star for marking 
> an email as read or unread.
> Once you click there, the email changes from grey to black, and I 
> assume it is undeleted.
> Does this work for you?
> It does not work for multiple emails though.
> Ok, here is an open request for that functionality: 
> https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/issues/5133
> I looked at cyrus unexpunge as well.
> According to 
> https://serverfault.com/questions/377748/how-deleted-flag-can-be-unset-for-all-mails-in-cyrus-imapd-mailbox 
> Roundcube sets a silent flag with the name Deleted: -FLAGS.SILENT 
> (\Deleted)
> see also https://www.cyrusimap.org/2.5/imap/admin/sop/deleting.html
> and 
> https://cyrusimap.org/imap/reference/faqs/o-deleted-expired-expunged-purged.html
> It seems that the mails marked for deletion are not expunged yet, and 
> therefore cannot be unexpunged.
> We need to unset the Deleted flag somehow different.
> I found the imap_undelete function in PHP:
> http://php.net/manual/en/function.imap-undelete.php
> You could write yourself or ask someone to write a little PHP script 
> that opens the mailbox, and then calls imap_undelete on each message.
> Timotheus
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Diese Nachricht wurde versandt mit Webmail von www.tbits.net.
> This message was sent using webmail of www.tbits.net.
Hi Timotheus,

I too had found the 
'https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/issues/5133' page however it 
was unclear what the 'messages' icon was that one was suppose to click 
on to 'undelete' a deleted message.  If they were speaking to the list 
of messages one sees (in the right hand html 'frame') after clicking on 
a corresponding folder in the left hand frame of roundcubemail, I have 
no icons at all in that area (frame) of the screen.   I clicked on every 
icon on the roundcubemail page showing a selected 'deleted' message and 
nothing toggled the message back to undeleted.   Even clicking the 
'Delete' icon for a selected deleted message did not toggle it back to 
undeleted.   Can you shed light as to which icon they were referring to?

Also, in the event I could get this 'toggle' to work, it seems very 
counter productive to have to go through each deleted message to reverse 
the deleted action particularly if a large number of messages were all 
deleted by mistake in one action (which can be done and was in my example).


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