missing emails

Sruli Saurymper sruli at saurymper.com
Sun Sep 3 15:39:59 CEST 2017

On 03/09/17 13:41, hede wrote:
> Am Sun, 3 Sep 2017 10:40:03 +0100 schrieb Sruli Saurymper <sruli at saurymper.com>:
>>>> I have looked at their email client (thunderbird) and roundcube and the
>>>> email is not there, however when I checked the server
>>>> (/var/spool/imap/domain/d/domain.com/n/user/name/) the email is clearly
>>>> there.  
> You could check it via telnet / openssl s_client. 
> Search the web for how to do so. For example:
> openssl s_client -crlf -connect imapserver.example.com:993
> A login imapuser imappassword
> B select INBOX
> C UID SEARCH FROM "somebody"
>  -> check if your mail is found
> D fetch 123 rfc822.header
>  -> if it's mail #123, then check if it's readable
> E logout
> Maybe it's marked as deleted (for examble by a spam filter like mailwasher) so thunderbird and roundcube won't show it. 
> Or the cyrus-, thunderbird- and/or roundcube databases are corrupted - there are a ways to fix this. 
> (
>  thunderbird: rebuild imap tree by rebuilding the global database. 
>  cyrus: "su - cyrus; /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/reconstruct -r user/[username at domain.tld]"
> )
> I'm just guessing - I don't have any real clue...
Couldn't fetch any headers but the search found 6 emails, I have 6 in
the Inbox, so it did not find the one in question.
How can I check if a email has DELETED flag?
> regards
> hede

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