primary_mail is driving me crazy

Philipp Weber at
Mon Mar 20 09:16:36 CET 2017

Hello everyone,

im very new to Kolab and need some help.

I want to edit the primary mail to the following schema

Max Mustermann

m.mustermann at

So i red a few posts here in the list and in the internet but nothing 
realy worked as i wanted.

Im using Centos 7 and Kolab 16 in a vm.

Also editing the primary afterwards worked in the first look in the 
webadmin but i cant login cause an imap error.

Is there a easy step by step how to or something like that?


Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Best Regards

*Philipp Weber

ESC Systeme GmbH
*Feldstraße 60, 26789 Leer

+49 (0) 49 1 70 37
+49 (0) 49 1 70 38

+49 (0) 49 1 70 37 at

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