Thunderbird issues with read status

Skale, Franz i.bin at
Sat Jun 24 09:16:01 CEST 2017

Am 2017-06-24 08:50, schrieb Stefan Froehlich:
> On 24/06/2017 4:44 PM, Aleksander Machniak wrote:
>> On 06/23/2017 09:14 PM, Franz Skale wrote:
>>> Hi Aleksander,
>>> that's weird because the version (debian 8 kolab16) is
>>> *src/rules/kolab_guam_rule_filter_groupware.erl:32:apply_to_client_message(ImapSession,
>>> Buffer, { Tag, Command, Data }, State) ->*
>> It's clear the patch is not applied.
> So how do I apply that patch?
> MfG Stefan Froehlich
> 42 ;-)
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this line was missing. (a func prototype ?, why undefine ?)

Line: 20

apply_to_client_message(_ImapSession, Buffer, undefined, State) ->
     { Buffer, State };

Anyone who want's to test i can provide a link for the pachted version 
(named it 0.9.2-2). (Deb package).

But rebuilding and testing it, thunderbird ends up hanging when 
accessing the inbox.
rebar3 moans about a possible undefined behaviour of kolab_guam_rule.
Reading the 0.9.3 git source, it seems, that there's a lot of testing 
and really doubt that guam is stable by now.
I deactivated guam and reconfigured cyrus to serve from port 143 again.
All is working now.
I looking forward for a stable version of guam though.


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