Inventations: Missing confirmation mails from the attendees

Roland Kolb roland.kolb at
Wed Feb 15 20:25:35 CET 2017


we are using Kolab16. Our mail client is Thunderbird with Lightning.
When we create an invitation in Lightning we receive no feedback from 
the attendees. We found also this behaviour with other mail / calendar 
clients (
e.g. iPhone with activeSync or Caldav-Connection or androits).
Only when we create an invitation in the webclient of Kolab we receive 
the feedback from the attendees.

I changed the parameters for kolab_invitation_policy in kolab.conf - 
without any success. My kolab.conf looks:

modules = resources, invitationpolicy, footer
#modules = invitationpolicy, footer
footer_text = /etc/kolab/footer.text
footer_html = /etc/kolab/footer.html
kolab_invitation_policy = ALL_ACCEPT_IF_NO_CONFLICT, 
invitationpolicy_autoupdate_other_attendees_on_reply = false

Any ideas?

Thank you


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