Winterfell: fileapi_manticore not defined
Schorer, Friedemann
friedemann at
Tue Feb 7 08:33:29 CET 2017
Hi all!
I recently installed Winterfell on a fresh Debian Jessie server, but
using NGinX instead of Apache. Now when I try to view my mails they
don't get displayed, and the browser console throws a few errors:
> Uncaught ReferenceError: manticore_api is not defined at kolab_files_init (kolab_files.js:228) at kolab_files.js:131 at rcube_webmail.triggerEvent (common.js?s=1483438824:379) at rcube_webmail.init (app.js?s=1483438824:623) at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (?_task=mail&_mbox=Spam:766) at j (jquery.min.js?s=1480262285:34) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js?s=1480262285:34) at Function.ready (jquery.min.js?s=1480262285:34) at HTMLDocument.I (jquery.min.js?s=1480262285:34)
upon loading the mail preview page,
and whenever I select a mail to be displayed from the mailbox listing I
get this:
> app.js?s=1483438824:7946 GET https://server.tld/ATUFgAh4g43r869Q/?_task=mail&_caps=pdf%3D1%2Cflash%3D1%2Ctif%3D0&_uid=7233&_mbox=Spam&_framed=1&_action=preview 500 (Internal Server Error)
Looking for a way to fix this I grepped through /etc/, but it looks as
if fileapi_manticore is being set:
> root at host:~# grep manticore /etc/roundcubemail/* /etc/kolab*/*
> /etc/roundcubemail/ $config['fileapi_manticore'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ':8080';
and the DSL router has a NAT rule for all relevant ports to my server,
including 8080. But nmap always shows port 8080 as 'closed', both on
the server and on my domain name.
Any ideas anyone?
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