shared folder or user account

Jonas Meier jonas.meier at
Sat Feb 4 18:49:28 CET 2017

Hi Mike,

I am struggling with the same problem and got it partially fixed.
I don't know about the receiving mails part, but for the delegation in 
roundcube to work you have to adjust the roundcube settings a bit.

The relevant configs are in /etc/roundcubemail/ 
and /etc/roundcubemail/

In kolab_delegation the LDAP filter for retrieving allowed sender 
addresses is set, the other LDAP bind parameters are taken from 
kolab_auth settings.
For me, I had to adjust the baseDN from 'ou=People,dc=domain,dc=org' to 
just 'dc=domain,dc=org'.
Now the delegations for shared folders, which lie in 
'ou=SharedFolders,dc=domain,dc=org', were found as well.
I than extended the kolab_auth_filter to
So it only accepts entries which's dn have an ou=People in it.

The problem with creating a user and giving rights to other users is, 
that I haven't found a way to set acls at creation time

Best regards,

Am 25.01.2017 um 09:03 schrieb Michael Fischer:
> Hi!
> I have a question regarding shared folders:
> I created a shared folder named "office", with the email adress "office
> at webfischer dot at".
> The shared folder has "lrs" rights set to anyone by default. If I revoke
> those rights receiving emails to the folders email address is not
> possible. Does that mean rights on a shared folder have to be set in a
> manner that every user on my domain is able to see the contents of the
> shared folder for receiving emails to the shared folders email adress to
> be possible?
> I set two users as delegates for the shared folder. Is it possible for
> those to to send emails with the office adress as sender in roundcubemail?
> Or is the creation of a user "office" with access rights for other users
> the path of choice?
> Thanks for your help,
> Mike
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