strange behaviour of ptloader unable to canonify identifier
Jan Kowalsky
jankow at
Tue Aug 29 12:30:16 CEST 2017
Hi Liutauras,
Am 29.08.2017 um 10:29 schrieb Liutauras Adomaitis:
> Hi Jan,
> On 2017 m. rugpjūčio 29 d., antradienis 11:10:42 EEST Jan Kowalsky wrote:
>> Hi Liutauras,
>> thanks for answer.
>> Am 14.08.2017 um 15:29 schrieb Liutauras Adomaitis:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 2017 m. rugpjūčio 11 d., penktadienis 17:52:34 EEST Jan Kowalsky wrote:
>>>> Lookup works:
>>>> [11/Aug/2017:16:08:49 +0200] conn=2131533 op=2 SRCH
>>>> base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
>>>> filter="(&(objectClass=inetorgperson)(|(uid=example.user1)(mail=example.u
>>>> ser 1 at at"
>>>> attrs="displayName mail alias nsRoleDN uid"
>>>> Lookup doesn't work
>>>> [11/Aug/2017:16:14:14 +0200] conn=2118186 op=8777 SRCH
>>>> base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
>>>> filter="(|(&(|(uid=cyrus-admin)(uid=cyrus-murder))(uid=example.user2))(&(
>>>> |(u
>>>> id=example.user2)(mail=example.user2 at
>>>> ))(o bjectClass=kolabinetorgperson)))" attrs="1.1"
>>>> But other entries with attrs="1.1" don't lead to problems.
>>>> I I change the ldap Server in the second webmailer for using the other
>>>> ldap-server: no problem. But we have some fancy aci for separating
>>>> domains.
>>>> So one question: does the ldapserver cyrus makes its lookups from have
>>>> to be the same where the mailclient (roundcube) looks up?
>>> No, but if you use different servers, then you must know what you are
>>> doing, as that can lead to all sorts of problems.
>>>> I have no Idea for further debugging. Any hint is welcome.
>>> The LDAP log which doesn't work looks like generated by Cyrus PTS module.
>>> What i would do is:
>>> - take that filter from LDAP log record and use it for manual ldapsearch
>>> command line utility to find out why it doesn't find what you expect. Make
>>> sure you use same bind dn and password as it is configured in
>>> /etc/imapd.conf for pts module. I usually remove parts of the filter
>>> until ldapsearch utility finds the LDAP object.
>> That's exactly, what I did. And the same filter works on the command
>> line. But it comes even more strange:
>> Today I tried to create mailboxes, which where not created by kolab
>> during user creation.
> Why is that? Doesn't your kolabd do the work it supposed to? Did you see any
> errors in /var/log/kolab/pykolab.log file? Maybe increase logging level in /
> etc/sysconfig/kolabd (assuming you are running RedHat derivative distribution)
it supposed. But it doesn't always. Mostly yes. But sometime not.
It's on Debian. But there I already increased the debug-level to 9. But
there is nothing usable in the pykolab.log.
>> >From 20 mailboxes for 9 of them the acl where not assigned - while the
>> mailbox was created. The reason: while mailbox creation is just a task
>> for cyrus for setting the acl the ptloader queries ldap. And exactly
>> this failed for the 9 mailboxes:
> Do you mean it fails for 9 out of 20 mailboxes?
yes, exactly. For (the first) 11 mailboxes it worked like expected for
the remaining 9 not.
>> Aug 29 09:50:17 mail ptloader[15994]: No entries found
>> Aug 29 09:50:17 mail imaps[15883]: ptload(): bad response from ptloader
>> server: identifier not found
>> Aug 29 09:50:17 mail imaps[15883]: ptload completely failed: unable to
>> canonify identifier: example.user at
>> looking at the ldap access log there is this corresponding line:
>> [29/Aug/2017:09:41:14 +0200] conn=3144893 op=7837 SRCH
>> base="dc=example,dc=org" scope=2
>> filter="(|(&(|(uid=cyrus-admin)(uid=cyrus-murder))(uid=example.user))(&(|(ui
>> d=example.user)(mail=example.user at
>> ass=kolabinetorgperson)))" attrs="1.1"
>> [29/Aug/2017:09:41:14 +0200] conn=3144893 op=7837 RESULT err=0 tag=101
>> nentries=0 etime=0
>> But with the same filter on ldapsearch:
>> /usr/lib/mozldap/ldapsearch -x -h ldap -p 389 -D "cn=Directory Manager"
>> -w $(cat /etc/kolab/kolab.conf |grep ^bind_pw | cut -d' ' -f 3) -s sub
>> -b "dc=example,dc=org"
>> '(|(&(|(uid=cyrus-admin)(uid=cyrus-murder))(uid=example.user))(&(|(uid=examp
>> le.user)(mail=example.user at
>> abinetorgperson)))'
>> it results the object.
> How is your ptloader configured in /etc/imapd.conf, does it use cn=Directory
> Manager to bind to LDAP? You should use ldap_bind_dn value from your /etc/
> imapd.conf for ldapsearch -D to do a correct test on command line.
no, you're right. It's the kolab-service user. But I tried the ldap
query on command line with kolab-service user -> same result.
>> I tried a couple of times to set mailbox acls by command line:
>> kolab sam user/example.user at user/example.user at all
> I see error in your command, you list mailbox name twice, while you should
> assign acls to user:
> kolab sam user/example.user at example.user at all
I always do it like this and it worked. I thought the imap aci subject
ist the mail address? It's the same like
kolab sam user/example.user at
-> and then use "example.user at" as aci Subject and "all" for
the rights.
>> but always the same error in mail.log
>> After a while: Just doing the same command again with no changes in
>> configuration the ptloader query worked and the acls are set.
>> Again: this problem only occurs with some of about 40 domains. And I'm
>> completely clueless.
> So you have a multidomain setup? Is that reflected in /etc/imapd.conf ptloader
> ldap configuration? Does every domain have it's own suffix in LDAP (like
> dc=example,dc=com and dc=example,dc=org)? Did you take care of LDAP ACI's to
> allow necessary access for kolab-admin bind dn?
yes, it's multidomain. And the imapd.conf ist configured for multidomain:
auth_mech: pts
ptscache_timeout: 600
pts_module: ldap
ldap_servers: ldap://ldap:389
ldap_sasl: 0
ldap_base: dc=primary-domain,dc=net
ldap_bind_dn: uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=primary-domain,dc=net
ldap_password: SECRET
ldap_user_attribute: mail
ldap_group_base: dc=primary-domain,dc=net
ldap_group_scope: one
ldap_member_base: ou=People,dc=%2,dc=%1
ldap_domain_base_dn: cn=kolab,cn=config
ldap_domain_name_attribute: associatedDomain
ldap_domain_scope: sub
ldap_domain_result_attribute: inetdomainbasedn
The really strange thing ist that it works sometimes and sometimes not.
Thanks and Regards
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