Migrating Ubuntu -> CentOS IMAP Troubles

Tobias Brunner tobias at tobru.ch
Wed Sep 28 17:32:49 CEST 2016

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to migrate a Kolab server from an Ubuntu installation to a
CentOS installation and I struggle with IMAP data migration. All data
(/var/lib/imap and /var/spool/imap) is rsynced to the new server with
Cyrus stopped. When I start Cyrus all *.db files in /var/lib/imap get
deleted an recreated. The old files are preserved as *.db.berkeley

On the old Ubuntu server, Cyrus is installed and running as version
"2.5~dev2015021301-0~kolab2", the new server uses

Does anyone have an idea what I can do? F.e. I already tried to first
convert the dbs on the old server to flat and then on the new server
back to twoskip, but that didn't help. And I'm pretty sure that the old
server doesn't use BDB as backend.


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