389 directory server with NTLM hash

Luke Wilmen luke at wilmen.co
Thu Oct 27 02:53:38 CEST 2016

Hi all,
Had a read through the documentation, mailing list, and done an 
extensive Google search, however have come up relatively short.

Is there any simple way that the Kolab setup can be modified to enable 
an NTLM hash to be stored in addition to the user's password being 

Use case as follows:

1. Use Kolab's installation of 389 directory server as the 
authentication database for FreeRADIUS, doing MS-CHAPv2 authentication.
2. Clients authenticating via FreeRADIUS also support MD5 
authentication. Is it possible to change the default hashing from SSHA 
to MD5?
3. All user accounts should be maintainable via the kolab-webadmin user 
interface and kolab command line utilities.

Thanks in advance for your assistance, this one has proven hard to find 
a solution!

Best regards,
Luke Wilmen

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