Kolab 3.4 multi domain patched, email alias lookup fail
Milan Petrovic
petrovic.milan at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 09:40:43 CET 2016
So, I have Kolab 3.4 installed on Ubuntu 3.4 with the multi domain patch.
I already have 4 single, separate domains added. I wanted to add a 5th one
as a separate and a 6th one as its alias domain.
I had first issue while creating users on this account so I had to edit
/usr/share/kolab-webadmin/lib/api/kolab_api_service_form_value.php and
comment out a line:
if (in_array('alias', $conf->get_list('mail_attributes'))) {
(!$this->_validate_email_address_in_any_of_my_domains($mail_address)) {
//throw new Exception("Email address '$mail_address'
not in local domain", 693);
if (!$this->_validate_crossdomain_alias($mail_address,
$postdata['mail'])) {
throw new Exception("Alias '$mail_address' must be
configured manually for '".$postdata['mail']."'");
Now I could add users with emails like addr1 at domain5, addr1 at domain6, but
cannot also have them have more than one address on both domains at the
same time (I cannot add addr1 at dom5, addr1 at dom6, addr2 at dom5 and addr2 at dom6 -
if I skip the addr2 at dom6, user can be created).
Then I had an issue with reception, users couldn’t be found, so I’ve edited
the /etc/postfix/virtual_alias_maps_manual.cf and include this file in
main.cf (in virtual_alias_maps), so it looked like this:
# you can manually set aliases, across domains.
# for example:
#myalias at test2.de mymailbox at test.de
#@test4.de @test.de
#@pokorra.it timotheus.pokorra at test1.de
@domain6 @domain5
server_host = localhost
server_port = 389
version = 3
search_base = dc=%2,dc=%1
scope = sub
domain = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/mydestination.cf
bind_dn = uid=kolab-service,ou=Special Users,dc=myprimarydomain,dc=tld
bind_pw = mypass
query_filter = (&(|(mail=%s)(alias=%s))(objectclass=inetorgperson))
result_attribute = mailForwardingAddress
Log showed I was missing a “=“ sign, and emails were not delivered to
either domain5 or domain6, so I’ve changed the alias line to: @domain6 =
Now I have emails delivered to domain5 but log shows that emails cannot be
delivered to domain6 ("Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local
recipient table”).
So, how to have the domain alias email addresses in a multi domain setup of
Kolab 3.4?
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