389 dirsrv ns-slapd infinite hang bug, triggered by wallaced - had to disable it

Jason Spangler jason.spangler at descendentstudios.com
Fri Nov 4 15:39:01 CET 2016

Hi all,

Just fyi to folks - there appears to be a hang bug in 389 dirsrv (aka 
ns-slapd) which, in my install at least, was being tickled by a large 
batch of messages being processed by wallaced.  This led to no email 
being received, processed, or sent by my Kolab installation (even after 
multiple restarts).

Bug entries:

It appears the fix is only available to RedHat customers currently:

I'm running 389-ds-base- (the EL7 rpm).

In my instance, the call stack in dirsrv matched the one from the hang 
bug entry.

To get around the dirsrv hang, I had to disable wallaced processing in 
/etc/postfix/master.cf for now (until the dirsrv fix is released).

Hope this helps someone else and saves them some time.
- Jason

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