Upgrade 3.4 to 14 on Ubuntu

Timotheus Pokorra timotheus at kolab.org
Wed May 11 16:19:15 CEST 2016

Hello Gerald,

> I'm running 3.4 on Ubuntu 14.04. It looks like Kolab 14 is a safe upgrade,
> but I'm not sure.
> Are there instructions for upgrading 3.4 to 14 on Ubuntu (or Debian 7, I
> guess).

Are you sure that you are refering to Kolab 14, which is only
available in the Enterprise version from Kolab Systems as far as I
know? There is no public documentation about that, and I guess you
need to talk to your sales rep at Kolab Systems.

If you are refering to Kolab 16, you need to test it first. It is not
released for production use. So it is your own risk.
For details see my other email just from today on this mailing list.

For Ubuntu or Debian, there are no Kolab 16 packages available yet.
Please read https://kanarip.wordpress.com/2016/02/10/update-support-your-distribution-or-else/
and make sure you show your support for the OS of your choice.

Please have a go at Kolab Winterfell in a testing environement, and
make sure you report any bugs you find.

All the best,

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