Timezone issue again

Stefan Froehlich stefan at ffa-it.com.au
Wed May 4 14:37:06 CEST 2016

Kolab 3.4 on Debian 8:

I'm trying to enable auto accept to calendar events. When it is set to 
ACT_MANUAL the following happens:

Sending an invitation from a different calendar (office365) it appears 
in inbox. Opening in Roundcube and accepting produces correct values.

When it is set to ACT_ACCEPT, it is accepted but the time entry is 
totally wrong. I see following error in /var/log/apache2/error.log:

Critical: /usr/src/packages/BUILD/src/xcalconversions.h 1944: Failed to 
parse calendar!

Error: 0:  Not a valid olson timezone: E. Australia Standard Time

Error: /usr/src/packages/BUILD/src/objectvalidation.cpp 92: 
event.start() is not valid

MfG Stefan Fröhlich

42 ;-)

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