PHP Fatal error: Class 'Sabre\VObject\Property\Text' not found (solved)

Timotheus Pokorra timotheus at
Mon Jun 27 08:57:28 CEST 2016

> I don't know if I'm able, but at least I'll try to do so. ;-)
Great! if you have any questions, feel free to ask here or on IRC!

> Like I said, there's some coding styles to get fixed first. Btw. maybe I can ask it here:
> With rpm spec files there's pure bash code (like heredoc) possible but with debians makefile-style rules file there's no such possibility. Thus I swapped out the scripting code to some non-standard shell file "debian/composer" which gets run by the rules file (with override_dh_auto_build). Is this ok or "bad style"?
I don't know much about Debian coding styles and rules.
I guess building packages on OBS gives us the freedom to do things
that just work. If the packages are integrated into the Debian
distribution, only then the rules must be followed. But that is the
next stage I guess.

See how composer is called for iRony:

hope this helps,

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