Upgrade 3.4 to 14 on Ubuntu

Timotheus Pokorra timotheus at kolab.org
Wed Jun 8 08:14:38 CEST 2016

Hello Eric,
> I don't see any instructions (or packages) for Kolab 16 on Debian.  I
> understand that packaging is a huge undertaking and I'd like to help if I
> can, but I can't seem to turn up anything about the current packaging state
> and how I might best help.

I don't know what the plan of Jeroen or Kolab Systems is.
As far as I understand is, that we as community should make sure that
the Winterfell packages are working for the Linux distributions that
we want. And then Jeroen decides if he creates Kolab 16 packages from
those at the next release day?
But this process is very intransparent. Communication has to be improved!

> Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to run Winterfell at the moment.
I suggest you create a virtual machine for Winterfell, install Kolab
Winterfell on Debian, and just have a look if it works at all, and
then if your use cases work. Then report here or on
https://git.kolab.org/project/view/88/ any problems you find.
I think this would increase the chance to have future stable releases
of Kolab for your favourite distribution.

hope this makes sense,

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