Kolab without spam and virus protection
Matthias Hütter
matthias.huetter at faschang.at
Tue Jul 12 10:13:40 CEST 2016
i´m not sure if my way of disabling amavis is the correct one, but
anyway it works for some time now.
i disabled amavis in master.cf
# Filter email through Amavisd
#smtp-amavis unix - - n - 3 smtp
# -o smtp_data_done_timeout=1800
# -o disable_dns_lookups=yes
# -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
# -o max_use=20
# -o smtp_bind_address=
i don´t think amavis injects mail directly to wallace. Amavis re-injects
mails into Postfix to port 10025 and Postfix injects them into Wallace
to 10026.
I think if amavis does not re-inject any mails postifx sends them to
wallace via unix socket.
# Filter email through Wallace
smtp-wallace unix - - n - 3 smtp
Mit freundlichen Grüßen/ Best Regards
Am 12.07.2016 09:14, schrieb Mark Berndt:
> I don't think that is easy because after scanning, amavis injects the mail
> into wallace on port 10027. Removing amavis would break the chain unless
> postfix master.cf was suitably adjusted which is outside my area of expertise.
> There would be almost no performance overhead by calling the amavis daemon
> configured not to spam or virus check.
> Marko
> On Tue, 12 Jul 2016 09:02:26 AM guldendraak at gmx.net wrote: Great, thanks for the hint! Would it also be possible to entirely go without
> amavisd, i.e. not even starting the amavisd system service? I am guessing
> that would involve some tweaking of the postfix master.cf definitions. in the top of the /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf file you can gloablly disable
> what amavis checks. This should not effect the kolab installation, since
> amavis is still called, but not doing anything.
> cheers
> Marko
> On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 09:58:48 PM guldendraak at gmx.net wrote: Greetings list
> is it possible to disable the anti spam and anti virus capabilities
> built
> into Kolab without breaking other things? From what I gathered through
> the
> documentation, simply disabling the content filter in postfix (which
> would
> - to my understanding - amount to removing the content_filter and the
> check_policy_service directives) would probably break some other things.
> Reason for asking is that using DNS black lists and grey listing works
> really well for me as spam protection.
> Thanks!
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