Kolab without spam and virus protection

Mark Berndt kolab at mechtron.com.au
Tue Jul 12 00:21:10 CEST 2016

in the top of the /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf file you can gloablly disable what 
amavis checks.  This should not effect the kolab installation, since amavis is 
still called, but not doing anything.


On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 09:58:48 PM guldendraak at gmx.net wrote:
> Greetings list
> is it possible to disable the anti spam and anti virus capabilities built
> into Kolab without breaking other things? From what I gathered through the
> documentation, simply disabling the content filter in postfix (which would
> - to my understanding - amount to removing the content_filter and the
> check_policy_service directives) would probably break some other things.
> Reason for asking is that using DNS black lists and grey listing works
> really well for me as spam protection.
> Thanks!
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