Kolab 16: Problems after Update

Jeroen van Meeuwen vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com
Thu Jul 7 18:18:41 CEST 2016

On Thu, 2016-07-07 at 14:56 +0100, Bartosiak-Jentys, Chris wrote:
> Thanks Jeroen,
> Dropping the policy_results table seems to have fixed the problem on 
> both servers, thank you!
> Seems its automatically regenerated on the next email I send.
> Any idea what could have caused this issue? I did dump the kolab 
> database before dropping the table as a precaution but the dump just 
> contains the table schema, no data was in policy_result.

Well, yeah I know what caused the issue, in part because I wrote this
stuff and in part because I'm responsible for you and others
experiencing the issue in the first place;

  - An issue in caching the policy results of users delegated the
authorization to send 'on behalf of' necessitated the introduction of
additional information, as opposed to just 'envelope sender', 'sasl
username', 'recipient' with a 'yay or nay' boolean -- this is the
policy_result.data column.

  - Adding a column in the ORM (SQLAlchemy) is easy, but offering an
automated path to migrate existing installations with a schema update
is very expensive (in time and effort and otherwise).

In our eagerness to make sure Kolab 16 functions exactly the way we
think it should until at least we do Kolab 17, I (personally) had
(mistakenly) assumed this particular fix was already in Kolab 16,
meaning no existing installation of Kolab 16 would require a schema
upgrade. All-in-all, it's therefore my mistake.

Now, as to the reason that this is cached to begin with, it is
primarily for larger hierarchies with (typically) more delegation
happening and more frequently used distribution groups, where the
number of searches against LDAP needed to establish the authorization
for one single authenticated user to use the envelope sender address
used in the message being submitted, taking in to account the
recipient(s) might have policies in place prohibiting the (envelope)
sender from sending them email, is ... well ... costly. The length of
that sentence is a testimony to that fact.

Other than that single aspect of costly searches with potentially many,
many individual recipients for a single message, this cache has no
value whatsoever. It can be discarded at any time, and recreated as an
environment returns to regular usage patterns (delays on initial
submissions implied, though).

I should note that there's a means to 'drop, lather, rinse and repeat'
in error recovery -- we've implemented such for the 'authentication
cache' already -- though rest assured this doesn't actually cache
credentials, it just caches search results (domain 'example.org' being
'dc=example,dc=org', and 'john.doe at example.org' being
'uid=doe,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org', if you will, with the password
check still being an actual bind operation against LDAP).

I suppose we could implement something similar for the SMTP Access
Policy cache (the policy_result table), which as you mentioned is
restored 'automagically' (thanks to the ORM, actually).

Kind regards,

Jeroen van Meeuwen

Senior Solutions Architect, Kolab Systems AG

e: vanmeeuwen at kolabsys.com
m: +41 79 951 9003

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