cyrus group acl and ptloader caching

Jan Kowalsky jankow at
Fri Jan 22 22:13:07 CET 2016

Hi all,

I've a a question related with ptloader cache. I was struggling a long
time with it because if I set some imap acl with group-acl like:

  kolab sam shared/some-folder at group:teamabc lrsip

people who has the role "teamabc" normally can access this shared
folder. Ok.

But adding roles to other people didn't had any effect. Even removing
the roles didn't change anything: they still couldn't  access the folder.

Ok, finally I found, that there is this a


Removing the file it worked, and then I found in the imapd.conf manpage
that there is a ptscache_timeout which default value is 3 hours.

For me it doesn't make much sense - if someone administer the kolab
system he will hardly wait about three hours until the changes have an

What happens if the timeout cache is say about 5 minutes? Does it make
much load? Any experiences?

And maybe someone else has the same problem and this is an usefull
information ... it took me some hours ;-)


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