Kolab 16 on Centos 7 after install
Carpenter, Troy
troy at carpenter.cx
Fri Feb 5 15:37:24 CET 2016
On 2016-02-05 2:15 am, Aleksander Machniak wrote:
> On 02/04/2016 10:06 PM, Carlos R Laguna wrote:
>> At this moment still have a problem in roundcube, every 30s when it
>> check for new mails a pop-up shows Internal Error message but nothing
>> get in the logs, at this time the debug_level is set to 5 but no
>> relevant info is show anywhere. Ideas ?
> Some of these issues were already discussed here
> https://kolab.org/hub/topic/13/problems-with-kolab-16-fresh-install-on-centos-7
Things have changed much over the course of that thread. There have
been changes to the repository and packages since that thread started.
Here's the latest (which I haven't posted there):
As of yesterday (2/4/2016), here's my updated status:
Install Centos 7 as an LXC container in Proxmox (this disables SELinux,
no firewall, correct /dev/shm permissions). Then here's a list of
commands I had to do to get things setup. These are a mix of what I had
to do for the container and Kolab install instructions for CentOS. Note
that the commands that set the hostname are custom for my setup. Also,
I'm still having hostname issues where the domain doesn't show in
'hostname -f'.
yum -y install openssh_server screen emacs_nox bind_utils wget
sed -i '/#PermitRootLogin/c\PermitRootLogin yes' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
system restart sshd
echo kolab.carpenter.cx > /etc/hostname
chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.local
echo "hostname kolab.carpenter.cx" >> /etc/rc.local
echo "echo kolab.carpenter.cx > /etc/hostname" >> /etc/rc.local
sed -i '/ kolab/c\' /etc/hosts
rpm -Uhv
rpm --import https://ssl.kolabsys.com/community.asc
for f in /etc/yum.repos.d/Kolab*.repo; do echo "priority = 60" >> $f;
yum -y install kolab
yum -y update
When done, I still had to replace all mysql references in
/etc/kolab/kolab.conf and /etc/roundcube/config.inc.php from localhost
to, which is mentioned in the thread. I haven't gone through
all the paces with it yet, but I did create a user, send some email, and
looked at a few Roundcube screens. I have not tried to see if the iRony
problem I'm having on Development exists on Kolab 16. Chwala is working
with imap as the store, but I haven't tried pointing it to Seafile yet
(also not working since the last update to Development).
Looking at the code, especially for Kolab-Syncroton, there are still
manual changes in source code that I have to make to get things to work
for me (get Android as a device type that handles multiple folders, fix
a 5 message sync limit, etc...all of which have been discussed on this
list in the past...thanks for the help on those issues in the past,
Aleksander!), which have not made it to the repositories yet.
I'm also seeing the 30s "internal Error" message in Roundcube after the
As changes get made to the repository, I will repeat the process above.
I would like to see the database references problem get fixed so I don't
have to change "localhost" to, but I'm wondering if that's a
side effect of the hostname problem I'm having.
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