imap: IOERROR: opening index!someuser: System I/O error

Geert Janssens geert at
Wed Sep 23 11:52:55 CEST 2015

On Wednesday 23 September 2015 10:49:24 Geert Janssens wrote:
> Found this error message in the system journal for my kolab 3.4
> installation on centos:
> imap: IOERROR: opening index!someuser: System I/O error
> I have checked the imap folder for this user, but I don't see anything
> obviously wrong. Each directory in there has its index file and they
> are all owned by the cyrus system user.
> The system has 10 users and only this one gives the error message.
> Where does this come from ?
> Thanks,
> Geert

I found cyradm just now. It does list two mailboxes that are different 
from all the others.

Most mailboxes are like this:
user/geert op
user/geert/Trash op
and so on

Two mailboxes are like this
someuser op

So the latter is missing the "user" prefix while the former is even 
missing the domain name.

I suspect it's one or both of these that are causing the trouble. The 
are likely leftovers from an failed first installation attempt.

Trying to remove them in cyradm fails:
cyradm> dm someuser
deletemailbox: Permission denied

Checking permissions I see this:
cyradm> lam sysadmin 
anyone lrs

Ok, there are no delete permissions. Trying to change this:
cyradm> sam sysadmin anyone all 
setaclmailbox: anyone: lrswipkxtea: System I/O error

So I think the issue here is that I removed the directory on file system 
level already which confuses cyradm.

Perhaps recreating the directories would allow me to use cyradm to 
proceed to properly delete the mail folders.

But I don't know how cirus-imap maps mail boxes to the filesystem. For 
the working mailboxes I have them in

However the someuser mailbox doesn't have domain nor user prefix.

Does anyone know where I should expect these bad mailboxes ?

Thanks in advance,


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