If you want a faster Kolab, read this.
Christian Hügel
christian.huegel at stonebyte.de
Sat Sep 12 13:55:15 CEST 2015
Thats a good point. I´m too running kolab in a lxc. Besides what you
mentioned, is the backup/recovery much simpler and straightforward.
> I found what I assume was your thread on serverfault :
> http://serverfault.com/questions/721654/low-entropy-on-container
> Why are you running kolab in a container instead of a VM? I admit I'm not a
> virtualization expert, but isn't the purpose of containers to allow for
> multiple user space instances of the same application? You are never going to
> have more than one instance of the kolab server. I would think you should be
> running it in a VM, not a container.
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