Delete multiple events

Dugite-Code dugite at
Tue Oct 20 10:20:52 CEST 2015


One kind of a workaround I know off: 
1. Click the gear icon and select "Manage folders". 
2. Select the calendar, change the content type to "Tasks" 
3. Go to tasks check complete events you wish to remove 
4. Click the gear icon and select "Manage folders". 
5. Select the calendar, change the content type to "Calendar" 

Your duplicates should now be hidden 


On 2015-10-20 4:08 pm, Sophie Nellscher wrote: 

> Hello once again, 
> I finally replaced Exchange (SBS 2011) with Kolab and copied all items like emails, contacts, events,... by using Outlook (only 5 users).  
> Everything looks great, but it seems like Outlook copied events multiple times, resulting in having one event several times (up to 100) in my Kolab calendar.   
> So I don't want to start over again, is there a simple way of selecting and deleting several events at once?  
> Greetings 
> Sophie  
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