Webmail/Roundcube 404

Sophie Nellscher sophie.nellscher at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 18 18:48:28 CEST 2015


I am running Kolab for several days without any problems, but since today I
can't access roundcube webmail. I didn't change anything regarding
configuration before.

If I point my Browser to <kolab>/webmail like I did all the days before, I
get the login screen. After entering my credentials, I just get an error:


Die angeforderte Ressource wurde nicht gefunden!
Bitte kontaktieren Sie Ihren Server-Administrator.
Anforderung fehlgeschlagen:

File not found.
The requested resource was not found!

/usr/share/roundcubemail/logs/errors says:

[18-Oct-2015 18:37:02,000000 +0200]: <rnpchsqm> PHP Error: Request security
check failed (GET /webmail/)
[18-Oct-2015 18:37:04,000000 +0200]: <rnpchsqm> PHP Error: Error loading
template for kolab_tags.ui in
/usr/share/roundcubemail/program/include/rcmail_output_html.php on line 589
(GET /webmail/bfb1c58a2c7eda31/?_task=mail)
[18-Oct-2015 18:37:05,000000 +0200]: <rnpchsqm> PHP Error: Error loading
template for mail in
/usr/share/roundcubemail/program/include/rcmail_output_html.php on line 589
(GET /webmail/bfb1c58a2c7eda31/?_task=mail)

Any ideas?

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