XMPP converse.js plugin does not work in Kolab 3.1.9 on Ubuntu

Mathias Friman mathias at workplays.se
Sat Oct 17 14:18:14 CEST 2015


I've been trying for a while to get Roundcube-converse-js-xmpp-plugin [1]
to work with my kolab setup.

Since it is not a very recently updated plugin there are some kinks to say
the least. I've followed some [2] instructions [3] to no avail.

I run Ubuntu 14.04 and kolab version 3.1.9-3 from the kolab repos. When the
'converse' plugin is enabled I cannot click on anything in Kolab, not even
the Logout-button. The script generated from the plugin looks like this:

<div id="conversejs"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">

    define("jquery", [], function() { return jQuery; });
    require.config({ baseUrl: "plugins/converse/devel/converse.js" });
    require(["converse"], function (converse) {
        var args =
        args.i18n = locales["en"];
        rcmail_converse_init(converse, args);

    define("jquery", [], function() { return jQuery; });
    require.config({ baseUrl: "plugins/converse/devel/converse.js" });
    require(["converse"], function (converse) {
        var args =
        args.i18n = locales["en"];
        rcmail_converse_init(converse, args);
$("input.colors").miniColors({colorValues: rcmail.env.mscolors})
B \/ 1,0 GB (0%)"});

And it fails on the first line 'define("jquery ...' with 'ReferenceError:
define is not defined' and since I don't speak JavaScript I'm unsure what
to do.

I've downloaded the latest version of converse.js [4] and configured it to
my liking and that works from the same server.

Any ideas on what might be wrong? I know that it was designed for an older
version of Kolab, but perhaps someone has positive experiences with the
converse.js-plugin. I'm in a bit of a rush also. I need to demo this for
our municipality by next friday, or the choice might be Office365... :/

Kindest regards,

[1] https://github.com/priyadi/roundcube-converse.js-xmpp-plugin
[3] http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.kolab.devel/12092
[4] https://github.com/jcbrand/converse.js
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