How to forward all email except...

Tom Sparrow tom at
Sat Oct 17 08:54:51 CEST 2015

On 16/10/15 21:18, Gerald Brandt wrote:
> On 2015-10-16 03:15 PM, Mihai Badici wrote:
>> Well, i didn't read the previous question :)
>> Can you explain that scenario?
>> why the mail sent to bmarley at is rewrited as 
>> bob.marley at
>> Which rule rewrite it?
>> Maybe another idea is to use the "fallback_transport" directive but 
>> i'm not sure if it works in virtual context.
>> Hi, Although that works, it forwards the email after it's done its 
>> name replacement.  ie: if the primary email is bob.marley at 
>> <mailto:bob.marley at>, and I send to bmarley at 
>> <mailto:bmarley at>, it gets to the exchange server as 
>> bob.marley at <mailto:bob.marley at>, and that's 
>> not a valid user name. Gerald
> Hi,
> I'm assuming it's a rule Kolab made to convert a secondary email 
> address to the primary one.  I'd love to be able to change my primary 
> address, but it looks like I can't.
> Gerald
My kolab.conf has

primary_mail = %(givenname)s@%(domain)s

I'm not sure what the replacement strings would be for first initial, 
but that works to give firstname at as a primary email.

I'm sure there's examples somewhere once you know what to look for (it's 
a bit early in the morning for me to look yet...)

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