Changing filder type

Brady, Mike mike.brady at
Thu Nov 26 21:14:59 CET 2015

On 2015-11-25 20:06, Aleksander Machniak wrote:
> On 11/24/2015 09:10 PM, Brady, Mike wrote:
>>>   kolab set-mailbox-metadata "user/smith/foldername at"
>>> /shared/vendor/kolab/folder-type mail
> You should set also private annotation.
>>> and show that it has changed with
>>>   kolab list-mailbox-metadata "user/smith/foldername at"
>>> but this does not show in the Roundcube interface.  I am assuming 
>>> that
>>> this is cached somewhere, but I have been unable to determine where
>>> and how to clear it.
> The cache you're talking about is cleared when you log into Roundcube 
> or
> when you visit Settings > Folders.


When I do kolab list-mailbox-metadata it only shows the public 
annotations.  I took that to mean that that was all that was set and was 
therefore all that I needed to change.  Is that not correct?  I tried 
using cyradm info to look at the annotations, but it shows nothing.  Is 
there some other commands that I should be using?

I believe that I tried both logging out/in to Roundcube and 
leaving/re-entering Settings > Folders, but I will specifically test 
both later today.

Thanks for your help.


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