Kolab 3.4 - Problem when securing installation

Philip Trickett (List) phil-ml at techworks.ie
Thu Nov 26 13:24:30 CET 2015

On 26/11/15 07:10, Aleksander Machniak wrote:
> On 11/25/2015 09:56 PM, Brady, Mike wrote:
>>> Then I proceeded to follow the guide to secure the installation, and after this, logging in give a mailbox not found.
> You can login/authenticate so Roundcube and LDAP is ok. The problem is
> on cyrus storage side.

Hi Aleksander / Mike.

So I have finally worked out what the problem.

When I was rsyncing /var/lib/imap and /var/spool/imap I had not noticed 
that Cyrus was running on the source server, so after re-running the 
rsync with cyrus stopped on the source server, it now works.

Thanks for all your help with this.

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