cyrus doesn't shutdown if processes exceed a limit about 700 threads

Jan Kowalsky jankow at
Tue Nov 10 12:36:46 CET 2015

Am 04.11.2015 um 08:47 schrieb Jan Kowalsky:
> Hi all,
> we have a problem with restarting cyrus. It's no problem if the number
> of processes is under a limit of let's say about 700 threads.
> But if it's above we get reproducable the error that cyrus can't stop.
> There remains the master process which we have to kill with -9.
> Any idea or similar problems?

Nobody has an idea or the same problem? We could reproduce it today
again. The error is:

service cyrus-imapd restart
Stopping : cyrus-master.
Waiting for complete shutdown...cyrus    27648  0.0  0.0  84488  2172 ?
       Ds   Nov02   1:21 /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-master -M
/etc/cyrus.conf -C /etc/imapd.conf -l 32 -d
fatal: incomplete shutdown detected, aborting.

The only remaining process is the cyrus master with the pid 27648:

ps ax|grep cyrus
 8856 pts/5    S+     0:00 grep cyrus
27648 ?        Rs     2:06 /usr/lib/cyrus-imapd/cyrus-master -M
/etc/cyrus.conf -C /etc/imapd.conf -l 32 -d

Thanks and regards

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