Kolab and PHP

Olivier Boucard olivier at pafostech.com
Sat May 23 10:25:45 CEST 2015

Hello Timotheus,

Thank you very much for all this information. You are right I should revise my architecture.
I'm still using Kolab 3.3 for pretty much this reason, because I cannot test upgrade my installation.
My installation is on a VPS Cloud from OVH.com which limits my actions.
I'm no sysadmin or devops, I have to learn all this tools.

On Saturday 23 May 2015 06:37:04 Timotheus Pokorra wrote:
> Hello Olivier,
> In general, I recommend running Kolab on a separate machine.
> Nowadays you can easily set up virtual machines, and it is so much
> less dependancies if you put different services on different machines.
> So you would have Kolab on one virtual machine, and Piwik on another.
> I personally use LXC Containers, and I am really happy with them. Here
> are some scripts that I use everyday:
> https://github.com/tpokorra/lxc-scripts
> Regarding PHP:
> Kolab Webadmin, Roundcube, Chwala and iRony use PHP.
> Kolab 3.5 will depend on PHP 5.6. Therefore support for CentOS6 will
> be dropped for Kolab 3.5. But as usual, people from the community are
> welcome to implement support for CentOS6 plus some repository that
> offers PHP 5.6 for CentOS6.
> I did some work to get Kolab 3.4 working with PHP 5.6 because Debian
> Jessie comes with PHP 5.6.
> You can have a look at those patches, which you would need to apply to
> your Kolab on CentOS6 as well:
> https://obs.kolabsys.com/package/view_file/Kolab:3.4:Updates/roundcubemail-plugins-kolab/fix-php-5.6.patch?expand=1
> https://obs.kolabsys.com/package/view_file/Kolab:3.4:Updates/kolab-webadmin/fixPHP56.patch?expand=1
> Only a couple of lines need changing.
> But as always for the community version, please first test the upgrade
> to PHP 5.6 on a test machine.
> I hope this helps,
>   Timotheus
> On 22 May 2015 at 17:24, Olivier Boucard <olivier at pafostech.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I absolutely need to update my PHP version from the default Centos 6.6 where my Kolab is installed because I also have a Piwik install on it and they will drop the support for PHP 5.3 this month.
> >
> > My question is what features is dependent on PHP in Kolab?
> > If I force the update to a newer version of PHP, which is not working right now only because of Kolab, and something goes wrong, what is the risk?
> > Is there any vital parts of Kolab which risk to cease to function?
> >
> > Thanks
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