Kolab primary email address and sunday morning reboot

Matthias Busch catwiesel at gmx.net
Mon Mar 30 09:50:32 CEST 2015

1) you can change the format of the UID, primary email and alias email 
adresses in the /etc/kolab/kolab.conf

primary_mail = '%(surname)s'[0:1].%(givenname)s@%(domain)s

should do it, (but I diddnt test it, so it may be not 100% correct.)
I dont know if this is a good idea to do when you already have users. 
but works fine when you have a fresh kolab install...

2) apache crashes every sunday morning due to logrotation. the 
"soft-restart" method in there doesnt work...
see in /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 the line /etc/init.d/apache2 METHOD > 
and change METHOD to restart.

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