Kolab 3.3, dovecot 2.2.13, Activesync iOS Mail.app crash

tr at erdfunkstelle.de tr at erdfunkstelle.de
Tue Jan 27 07:05:30 CET 2015

I experienced this problem sometimes as well. 
I don't know if this is a bug in iOS' active sync or in the mail app or in syncroton. 

The mail app sometimes shows mails that have already been deleted from the server. Then when you try to delete those mails in the mail app it crashes and these mails never disappear from the app. 

For me it helps to remove the corresponding exchange account from the device and reconfigure it from scratch. 

I'm not using active sync for mails anymore on my iOS devices because there are more limitations that are critical to me (it does not work with shared folders and I have not found a solution until now)


> Am 26.01.2015 um 22:49 schrieb zero one <list01 at outlook.de>:
> Hi,
> I have a weired problem. I am using:
> - Kolab 3.3
> - dovecot 2.2.13
> Everything works fine. 
> One problem: When deleting a mail in iOS mail.app which is connected via Activesync the mail.app crashes. Happens on two iOS 8 devices each time. Nothing noticeable in the logs.
> Maybe this is a known problem?
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