ldap filter for kolab-saslauthd

Henning laclaro at mail.com
Sat Jan 24 15:41:22 CET 2015

Thanks Timotheus, if this applies for all the mail-relevant logins, this
would be indeed what I'm looking for.


Am 22.01.2015 um 09:38 schrieb Timotheus Pokorra:
> Hello Henning,
> the authentication happens now in pykolab.auth.
> I have something where we want to store the last login date, and I have
> modified pykolab/auth/ldap/__init__.py for that:
> https://github.com/TBits/KolabScripts/blob/master/kolab/patches/lastLoginTBitsAttribute-pykolab.patch
> This gives me the idea: please try to modify /etc/kolab/kolab.conf,
> kolab_user_filter in section ldap.
> the comment says:
> ; The base DN, scope and filter to use when searching for users of the
> 'kolab'
> ; type. This filter is preferred when searching for Kolab users
> specifically,
> ; such as in the synchronisation between LDAP and IMAP. Also, it is
> ; (preferrably) only Kolab users that are allowed to login, use the SMTP
> server,
> ; etc.
> ;
> ; Note that all user_* settings are valid, and those not available with
> a kolab_
> ; prefix fall back to using the generic user_* equivalent setting.
> kolab_user_base_dn = ou=People,%(base_dn)s
> kolab_user_filter = (objectclass=kolabinetorgperson)
> I hope this helps,
>   Timotheus

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