Cyrus IO error / cannot connect with cyradm

Schorer, Friedemann friedemann at
Fri Jan 2 15:16:56 CET 2015

I ran into trouble after trying to merge two maildirs, the second creatd 
for the same user after changing the naming convention and then creating 
another secondary mailadress for him.
Searchign the web led me to trying to use cyradm, but I couldn't get it 
to connect to cyrus - cyradm keeps asking for a password AND an IMAP 
password, and I can't figure out which ones to use for user cyrus. I 
tried to set them through 'passwd' and 'saslpasswd2', but to no avail.
If anyone could tell'd really be grateful because I HAVE to get hands on 
my mails :-/

All helpa ppreciated!

Ubuntu 14.04 with Kolab 3.3 packages from the recommended repo


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