Apache timezone error

webmaster zigann.de webmaster at zigann.de
Fri Oct 31 17:28:42 CET 2014


on every access to the roundcube calendar (i.e browsing 1 month forward) 
i get the following 4x in /var/log/http/error.log:

unnamed app(9035) KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::readConfig: readConfig(): 
local zone= "UTC"
unnamed app(9035) KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::readZoneTab: readZoneTab( 
"/usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab" )
QFile::remove: Empty or null file name

- it should be CET now, because summer time is over.
Current values_:
system is CentOS 6.5 with Kolab 3.3, all updates done.

system time is shown correct:
Fri Oct 31 14:05:40 CET 2014

roundcube shows Europe/Berlin in the lower right corner too.

file /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab exist, has 20050 bytes and looks good

_I tried already the following_:

/etc/roundcubemail/defaults.inc.php:943:// 'auto' will use the browser's 
timezone settings
/etc/roundcubemail/defaults.inc.php:944:$config['timezone'] = 'auto';

changed value to Europe/Berlin, restarted apache

so it is said, Apache will not respect env variables some time,  i' ve 
created .htaccess file in /usr/share/roundcubemail/
# Set timezone
SetEnv TZ Europe/Berlin

- still the same. Because roundcube is slow, maybe this issue will take 
some time.

The number of the process in the log results in apache itself. Which 
process tries to use UTC and where is it configured? With grep is 
nothing to be find in the whole /etc folder.

Anyone has the same or can help?!



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