using kolab 3.3

Mihai Badici mihai at
Thu Oct 2 21:44:22 CEST 2014

Since I installed a kolab 3.3 server now i started to migrate another domain 
on that server.
It is an existing domain, so is better to create users prior to effective 
So fIrst i created an deleted domain; since the domain is deleted I thought 
the mail server will not try to deliver mails to it.
I admit my filters are copied from a previous 3.1 installation, and was:

So ... wrong hypotesys.
Bad enough, i didn't manage to effective delete the domain ( no delete button).
Bad for me, good for kolab.
I replaced the filter to:

query_filter = (&(associatedDomain=%s)(!(inetDomainStatus=suspended)))

and put the domain in suspended state.

I tried first to filter with inetDomainStatus=active but when the domain is 
created the attribute is not set.

I think this part should be a little more clear.
Maybe should be better to use inetDomainStatus=active and set the attribute 
when the domain is created, or don't set it but notify the user  the domain 
must be put in "active" state to work.

AI'm also not sure which is the difference between "deleted" and "suspended".
We can use "suspended" and "permanently suspended" :)

Mihai Bădici

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