Sync /seen flag from server to devices connected via ActiveSync possible?

Mat Cantin mat at
Tue May 27 22:03:09 CEST 2014

On 2014-05-27 1:13, Konstantin Schorp wrote:
> Did you manage to enable the sync of flag changes for messages already
> synced? This issue seems to be unsolved.

I've read (in this thread?) that syncing from the server to the phone is 
not implemented at this time. Only syncing from the phone to the server 
is currently working when the caches is disabled. I agree that this is a 
real nuisance.

My users are currently setting up activesync on their phones for 
contacts and calendars only, and using IMAP for email. Seems to work 
well, it just takes 3 times as long to setup.


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