Kolab resources

Infoomatic infoomatic at gmx.at
Tue Mar 11 13:03:54 CET 2014


I am trying to figure out how to configure resources.
I did a standard install on CentOS 6.5 with kolab 3.2. 
I created a resource via kolab-webadmin (with email resource-confroom-konfi at example.com).

However, when I tried to invite the resource (auto-completion did not work like with users) I got a 

"host mailx.localdomain[/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp] said: 550-You do not have
 permission to post a message to this mailbox. 550-Please contact the owner
 of this mailbox in order to submit 550-your message, or postmaster if you
 believe you 550-received this message in error. 550 5.7.1 Permission denied"

With cyrus admin I did a "setacl shared/Resources/konfi at hpc.at anyone write"

I can subscribe to the calendar of the resource, however, nothing happens when I invite the resource. When I set write ACL to all users to the resources calender and make an entry it does not appear in the free/busy information when creating an event in my calender and inviting the resource. In addition, where can I set the invitation policy?

Can someone please point me to some information? Thanks!

Best Regards,


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