Kolab 3.2 multidomain doc error?

Jan Kowalsky jankow at datenkollektiv.net
Tue Jun 24 19:03:57 CEST 2014

Hi Andrea,

Am 21.06.2014 19:23, schrieb Gelpi Andrea:
> Il 19/06/2014 22:43, Jan Kowalsky ha scritto:
>> Hi Andrea,
>> for me it looks like you have alias domains added to your domain
>> gelpi.it , because it returns also mail.gelpi.it as an alias as well as
>> localhost.
> You're right.
> Gelpi.it is the primary domain added by setup-kolab command.
> The aliases domain were added automatically.
> Now is not clear to me if these aliases are necessary or I can delete them?

Actually you can delete them - depending if your mailserver should be
available e.g. under @localhost or not. If you delete the aliases, make
sure mails from your local machine still reaches you (alias from root to
some email-address exists in kolab).

I still assume there is a bug with alias domains: the approach described
in http://docs.kolab.org/howtos/multi-domain.html works only as long as
you have alias domains with the same number of domain components:




doesnt't work for me.

If I've time I'll investigate the problem a little deeper.

Best Regards

>> Am 19.06.2014 13:09, schrieb Gelpi Andrea:
>>> On a fresh kolab 3.2  installation I followed documentation in
>>> http://docs.kolab.org/howtos/multi-domain.html
>>> for multi domain.
>>> In Postfix change there is:
>>> Edit /etc/postfix/ldap/hosted_duplet_mydestination.cf and change the
>>> query_filter setting to:
>>> query_filter =
>>> (&(objectclass=domainrelatedobject)(associateddomain=%s)(associateddomain=*.*)(!(associateddomain=*.*.*)))
>>> This map will be used to look up whether a domain name is a duplet of
>>> components (i.e. example.org, but not example.org.uk). This is needed
>>> for the templated search base we are going to use in other maps.
>>> This configuration does not work for me because of my server name.
>>> postmap -q gelpi.it ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/hosted_duplet_mydestination.cf
>>> return nothing while
>>> postmap -q gelpi.it ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/hosted_trilet_mydestination.cf
>>> return
>>> gelpi.it,localhost.localdomain,mail.gelpi.it,localhost
>>> So any mail sent to domain gelpi.it is bounced.
>>> To have multidomain working I have to modify
>>> /etc/postfix/ldap/hosted_duplet_mydestination.cf with:
>>> query_filter =
>>> (&(objectclass=domainrelatedobject)(associateddomain=%s)(associateddomain=*.*))
>>> I don't if this disrupt something other where.
>> Look at the Multidomain-Howto:
>> http://docs.kolab.org/howtos/multi-domain.html
>> Under the heading "Alias Domain Name Spaces for Hosted Kolab Domains"
>> there is explained something about.
>> For hosting  alias domains beside of multidomain some additional
>> configuration is necessary.
>> You also may have a look at this script:
>> https://github.com/jankowa/kolab3scripts/blob/master/kolabEnableMultiDomainAliases.sh
>> Best Regards
>> Jan

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