Kolab 3.2 multidomain doc error?

Gelpi Andrea liste at gelpi.it
Thu Jun 19 13:09:23 CEST 2014

On a fresh kolab 3.2  installation I followed documentation in
for multi domain.

In Postfix change there is:

Edit /etc/postfix/ldap/hosted_duplet_mydestination.cf and change the
query_filter setting to:

query_filter =

This map will be used to look up whether a domain name is a duplet of
components (i.e. example.org, but not example.org.uk). This is needed
for the templated search base we are going to use in other maps.

This configuration does not work for me because of my server name.

postmap -q gelpi.it ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/hosted_duplet_mydestination.cf

return nothing while

postmap -q gelpi.it ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/hosted_trilet_mydestination.cf


So any mail sent to domain gelpi.it is bounced.

To have multidomain working I have to modify
/etc/postfix/ldap/hosted_duplet_mydestination.cf with:

query_filter =

I don't if this disrupt something other where.

ing. Andrea Gelpi
La Terra non la abbiamo ereditata dai nostri avi,
ma la abbiamo presa in prestito dai nostri bambini.
We do not inherit the Earth from our parents,
but borrow it from our children.

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