Changing kolab from self signed certificate to commercial one

Henrik Bohr henrik.bohr at
Fri Jan 24 14:02:04 CET 2014

Dear all,


when I set up Kolab 3.1, I used the initSSL script of Timotheus.

Now after some time I would like to exchange the self signed certificate by
a commercial one from RapidSSL.

Unfortunately I do not get it running correctly. I tried to change the
certificates files manually, but that does not lead to a correct certificate
for my domain. 

Also I downloaded the ca_file from
idSSL/AR1548/RapidSSLCABundle.txt but I have no idea what the
ca_subclass_file is and how to get it. 


Do I have to do something similar to the following lines from the script?


openssl pkcs12 -export -in $key_directory/private/$server_name.crt -inkey
$key_directory/private/$server_name.key -out /tmp/$server_name.p12 -name
Server-Cert -passout pass:$pwd

echo "$pwd" > /tmp/foo

pk12util -i /tmp/$server_name.p12 -d /etc/httpd/alias -w /tmp/foo -k


I would be most grateful for any help, if somebody knows how to get kolab
running with the new RapidSSL certificate.


Thanks a lot,





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