Kontact for Windows ready for 3.1?

Torsten Grote torsten at kolab.org
Mon Jan 6 14:57:03 CET 2014

On Monday 06 January 2014 14:47:45 Thomas Reitelbach wrote:
> Are you using the windows version?

No, I only use Kontact on GNU/Linux.

> I have had several problems with kontact for windows regarding kolab 3.1.

Thanks for describing the issues in detail. Would you mind creating three 
separate reports for this at https://issues.kolab.org attaching the raw 
contact file that is causing the problems?

Kind Regards,

Torsten Grote
Kolab.org Community Manager

e: torsten at kolab.org
w: https://Kolab.org

pgp: 274D 4F97 Torsten Grote

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